
Tuesday 21 May 2013

New - Lemonde Stand

Hey guys, 
Just a quickie today as I'm still not feeling good, this Celulitis is sure hard to get rid of and it doesn't look pretty either, Thank you for the well wishes, they have meant a lot. I am working on a new theme, sealife, hope to get them up into stores soon :) Anyway I have a lemonade stand in stores now for you, she is adorable in her large floppy hat.
Lemonade Stand Script Template

While I am here those fabulous ladies over at Creative Elegance Designs  have made a gorgeous QP for you all, click the name or image to hop over, be sure to take a cuppa, they have a lot of beautiful items, all FREE!
Beth has also been working magic, she made this cute QP for you all.
Just click here or the image to go over and snag. Ok time for me to go get some rest before I call the GP again. Have a great day people!
Thanks for looking
Pink x

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