
Saturday 12 May 2012

Music Cross and Devil Ducky

Hey guys, I have a couple of new items in stores...

Devil Ducky Script and Template

Music Cross Script and Template

Sale still on so snag and save while you can :) Save 40% on everything including new releases.

To make things not only easier for me but hopefully for you to I will no longer be creating templates separately, both PSP and PSD templates will now be included in the script file so you will get all in once purchase...and no I will not be increasing prices :) Doing it this way will not only save a great deal of space both on my system and in stores but also will save me a great deal of time making things easier all round.

Ok Beth has been working some mojo and has created birth announcements from my part of the angels train as well as creating yet more with my part of the Spring Wedding train, these kits have really sparked her creativity and she has done an awesome job!



Clicking the image will whizz you right over to her blog so you can snag!
Also those two wonderful ladies over at Creative Elegance Designs have been working hard, amongst the hundreds of wonderful freebies they have created some adorable borders from some of my scripts as well as a beautiful Qp created from my part in the Summer Wedding Train.



 Clicking the images will take you to their blog so you can warned, make coffee first you could be browsing a while :)

Thats all for now! I will be back soon.
Thanks for looking :)
Pink xx

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