
Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Cuddle Bunny and winner!

I have some new items in stores... Cuddle Bunny Script Photobucket Cuddle Bunny Template Photobucket Easter Egg Script Photobucket Easter Egg Template Photobucket Hope you like them, cuddle bunny is desperatly looking for a home, can you help him? He is so cute! Ok again I have been delayed with the draw, sorry guys, real live is nasty when it interferes with all things fun hey! Ok this weeks winner is dum, dum, dum... TIKI! Congrats hunni, just let me know which script or template you would like and I will send it your way! If you'd like to try and win all you need to do is hit the follow me button and each week a follower is picked at random to win one of my products....easy yes? Finally I have a little freebie for you, a share of cuddle bunny, I made him happier by giving him a couple of eggs :) I hope you like him, he is personal use only, want to use him for CU then head over to my stores and purchase him, hurry sale ends soon! Thats it for now, Hugs Pink xxx Cuddle Bunny With Eggs PU ONLY DO NOT UPLOAD ELSE WHERE! Photobucket Drop shadow on preview only. Snagable here... DOWNLOAD Enjoy!


  1. This bunny is so cute Thank you hugs Elee

  2. Thank you so much for the adorable scripts! :)
